Open Letter

Wheaton College

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An Open Letter from Wheaton College Alumni on Project 2025 & Endorsing Russell Vought

February 10, 2025—

To the Wheaton College Community and our American Neighbors,

We, the undersigned alumni of Wheaton College, write with deep concern over fellow alumnus Russell Vought’s role in forming and implementing Project 2025 on behalf of the current presidential administration. As Wheaton graduates, we were shaped by an education grounded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which states that the Kingdom of Heaven is known by the Fruit of the Spirit and made manifest by feeding the hungry, giving the stranger a place to sleep, clothing the naked, and caring for the sick. Our Wheaton education taught us that to serve the hurting and broken in our world is to serve Christ himself (Galatians 5:22-23, Matthew 25:31-46). It is precisely because of our commitment to these values that we find Vought’s vision for government, as outlined in Project 2025, to be antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to the mission of Wheaton College—and moreover, we are concerned by the college’s quick and public proclamation of support in social media posts on February 7th, 2025.

Institutional Endorsements

Wheaton’s own statement, after removing their original post, says: “Our institutional and theological commitments are clear that the College, as a non-profit institution, does not make political endorsements.” However, it has been repeatedly clear that the institution is making public-facing posts that are divisively partisan, including its affirmation of Russell Vought on February 7th, 2025. Wheaton College also gave Fox News a very different response on February 10th, 2025:

"The social media post led to more than 1,000 hostile comments, primarily incendiary, unchristian comments about Mr. Vought, in just a few hours. It was not our intention to embroil the College or Mr. Vought in a political discussion or dispute. Thus, we removed the post, rather than allow it to become an ongoing online distraction. This was in no way an apology for having expressed congratulations or for suggesting prayers for our alumnus.”

Wheaton’s student body, and thereby its alumni family, have always encompassed a broad spectrum of social and political affiliations. What unites us is Christian orthodoxy. We ask that the college be mindful of public proclamations that translate as political endorsements—especially in cases where the issues, as in Project 2025, are antithetical to Christian charity.

Christianity and the Temptation of Totalitarianism

Project 2025 is a blueprint for consolidating executive power to remake American government and society along rigid ideological lines. The plan proposes dismantling independent institutions, purging thousands of career civil servants in favor of political loyalists, and centralizing authority under one person. Such a system is not only dangerously authoritarian but also profoundly unbiblical. As fallen and sinful people, we acknowledge the need for accountability, regardless of how high or prestigious one’s position or office; indeed, leaders are held to a higher standard and are accountable not only to the people they lead, but to God himself (1 Timothy 3:1-10, Ezekiel 34:10). Project 2025 is less concerned with governing faithfully as Christians than with cynically using Christianity’s majority status to establish political dominance, remake the United States in their own image, and further marginalize at-risk populations.

The pursuit of unchecked political control dismisses the humility of Christ and the servant-leadership model that Wheaton instilled in us. In Philip Ryken’s plenary address at the Fourth Lausanne Conference on World Evangelization, Wheaton’s president was forthright: “There is only one kind of Christian who is able to carry forward the Great Commission…and that is someone who embraces Christ-like servanthood as a way of life. We are all called to be servants.” The cost of service was high for Christ and his Apostles and is high for us as his followers today. As alumni of Wheaton College, we cannot lend credibility to a rejection of servanthood and an authoritarian restructuring of American society. 

Marginalization of the Vulnerable

Project 2025 promotes policies that target marginalized communities in ways that unequivocally contradict the biblical command to care for the least of these (Matthew 25:40). Among its stated goals are:

  • Gutting protections for undocumented immigrants and refugees, despite Scripture’s consistent call to welcome those same persons and condemnation of figures who do not (Leviticus 19:33-34, Deuteronomy 10:17-19, Hebrews 13:2, Matthew 25:43). 

  • Dismantling civil rights protections, dismissing the reality of racial injustice, and refusing to seek the biblical vision of reconciliation and justice (Isaiah 1:17, Amos 5:24, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, Acts 10:28, Colossians 3:11).

  • Rolling back opportunities and protections for people with disabilities and LGBTQ individuals, failing to treat all people with the dignity and respect that every image-bearer of God deserves (Genesis 1:26-27 & 5:1, Psalm 8:4-6, Ephesians 4:29-32, Matthew 22:39, 1 John 4:20-21). 

  • Going far beyond humanitarian restrictions on abortion, by limiting access to contraception, daycare, and medical interventions for life-threatening pregnancies; prioritizing surveillance and control of women in crisis situations. (1 John 4:18, Luke 8:43-48, Deuteronomy 31:6, Psalms 46:1-3, John 14:27, Isaiah 41:13). 

  • Slashing educational resources and healthcare for families of little financial means, ignoring the Bible’s emphasis on honoring the poor the same as the rich, Christ’s statement that the poor are blessed and that the kingdom of God belongs to them, and his assertion that those who reject the poor reject Him and are in danger of judgment (James 2:3-4, Proverbs 22:2 & 31:8-9, Luke 14:13-14, Ezekiel 16:49, Luke 6:20, Matthew 25:41-43).

These policies seek to enforce a narrow and exclusionary vision of American identity that aligns with political imperialism rather than biblical Christianity. As Wheaton alumni, we worship in accord with people of all tribes, tongues, nations, and languages, in anticipation of celebrating side by side, as one Church before the throne of God (Revelation 7:9). We celebrate and exhort a return to Wheaton’s foundation as an institution committed to the defense of fundamental freedom for all peoples. 

Under the guise of limiting government, Project 2025 instead proposes consolidations of presidential power. We believe the design of our government, as reflected in the US Constitution, reflects healthy ideals such as the limitation of human power in order to protect the vulnerable. It would be disastrous to subvert such designs.

Moreover, Christ-like values and character, not raw notoriety and power, are critical to the witness of the Church. We celebrate the God-given differences and unique abilities that make up one Body of many parts (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). Different social, economic, racial, and cultural identities are brought together by faith in Christ so that we as Christians can effectively live out the Great Commission and spread the good news to all peoples (Galatians 3:28, Mark 16:15). The domination of one American tribe and invalidation of all others undermines the Church’s global role. If not in agreement, we are nonetheless called to live together in unity, edifying each other and standing together as one Church (John 13:35, Romans 14:19, Psalm 133). Project 2025 espouses an abusive authority that is fatally misaligned with the Word that stands forever (Isaiah 40:6-8).

A Call to Faithfulness

Wheaton College has stood as a beacon of Christian higher education, committed to rigorous intellectual engagement, faithful discipleship, and responsible citizenhood. To align, even indirectly, with a political vision that prioritizes power over service, exclusion over love, and coercion over conscience would be to abandon the very heart of our faith.

As Wheaton alumni, we publicly distance ourselves from Russell Vought’s work and reaffirm our commitment to the Gospel’s radical call to justice, mercy, and humility. Silence in the face of such an anti-Christian vision is complicity. 

In Christ—

    1. Tyler Streckert ‘13 ‘15

    2. Nathan Heath ‘15

    3. Chris Norton ‘15

    4. Andrew Sedlacek ‘15

    5. Morgan Kinsinger ‘15

    6. Kylie Marble ‘16

    7. Matthew Jones ‘12

    8. Samuel Ruff ‘21

    9. Ciera McElroy ‘17

    10. Daniel J. King M.A. ‘16

    11. Peter Fenton ‘17

    12. Kelsey Carter ‘16

    13. Jonathan Carter ‘15

    14. Allison Dalton ‘16

    15. Mary Ann Heath Nelson ‘85

    16. Rev. Dr. William Stell ‘12

    17. Katie Heidengren ‘16

    18. Jonathon Haven ‘17

    19. ​​Luke Jolly ‘18

    20. Brian Fulghum ‘89

    21. Anna Jacobson ‘15

    22. Scott Nelson ‘86

    23. Molly Hagen Robare ‘01

    24. Kirk Walker ‘08

    25. Philip J. Fillion

    26. Deborah Jacoby-Twigg ‘79

    27. David Orris ‘95

    28. Jason D. Grimes, Esq. ‘95

    29. Emily B. Lusher Grimes ‘97

    30. Sean Ebels Duggan ‘97

    31. Kristina Faust ‘93

    32. R. Alison Belt ‘03

    33. Karen Fulghum ‘93

    34. Josh Fort ‘16

    35. Daniel Miller ‘14

    36. Rev. Kathleen McKenzie ‘79

    37. Sheri Bunn San Chirico ‘94

    38. Heather Pentecost ‘16

    39. Abby Jones Murrell ‘15 

    40. Cathy Kuna ‘85

    41. Lora Wiens ‘97, ‘07

    42. Elizabeth Bawden ‘97

    43. Ben Riggs ‘95

    44. Christy Hemphill ‘99

    45. Jeremy McElroy ‘97

    46. William Koechling ‘72

    47. Anna Jakubiec ‘17

    48. Josiah "Duke" Harrist ‘09

    49. Matt Butler ‘88

    50. Sarah Kenny ‘16

    51. Deborah Abramson ‘89

    52. Deborah Wright ‘93

    53. Jana Redlich Neff ‘80

    54. Lisa Anderson Enoch ‘92

    55. Dr. Michael McBride ‘02

    56. David Matero, M.D. ‘96

    57. Richard Tostenson ‘98

    58. Tessa Miller ‘17

    59. William Skaff ‘97

    60. Kim Welsh Johnson ‘92

    61. April Miller ‘15

    62. G. Daniel Wilson ‘86

    63. Michael Chen ‘17

    64. Amanda Becthel ‘00

    65. Abigail Nye ‘08

    66. Lia Wagner ‘12

    67. Andrew Wagner ‘13

    68. Sonya Kamell Haskins ‘98

    69. René Colson ‘87

    70. Heidi Burk ‘97

    71. Michelle Lehmer ‘98

    72. Barbara Kertai ‘98

    73. Mark Williams ‘02

    74. Rachelle LaMaster ‘91

    75. Jonathan Chambers ‘10

    76. Steven Childerston ‘81

    77. Jeremy Foster ‘16

    78. Piper Graham ‘20

    79. Katherine Glenn ‘10

    80. Cliff Williams ‘64

    81. Joel Screnock ‘15

    82. Jim Eisenbraun ‘69

    83. Carla Wright ‘76

    84. Elisabeth Sethi ‘98

    85. Richard Ndekezi ‘17

    86. Sara Derby Grieb ‘94

    87. Irene Ramos ‘80

    88. Raven Cullo ‘22

    89. Angie Reedy ‘98

    90. Christopher Thompson ‘15

    91. James J. Scott ‘97

    92. Riley McKinch ‘13

    93. Fran Hardcastle ‘92

    94. Tim Sauter ‘00

    95. Josh Kercsmar ‘98

    96. Laurel Stone Stevens ‘94

    97. Joel Johnston ‘87

    98. Isaiah Fasoldt ‘11

    99. Monik Flores ‘22

    100. Alani Oyola ‘24

    101. Brian McDonald ‘94

    102. Hedy Eisenbraun Reese ‘74

    103. Liuan Chen Huska ‘09

    104. Audrey Daum ‘17

    105. Laura Popa ‘10

    106. Wes Paul ‘13

    107. Karen Prigodich ‘93

    108. Stephanie Duncan Park ‘92

    109. Brendan Jones ‘17

    110. Anna Kraftson ‘95

    111. Esther Prins ‘94

    112. Charlotte Kirkham ‘19

    113. Elizabeth Sawyer ‘94

    114. Michael Au-Mullaney ‘16

    115. Grayson McCoy ‘22

    116. AnaLouise Keating ‘83

    117. Jessica Winter McCoy ‘97

    118. Jay B. McCoy ‘97

    119. Emily Thorn ‘03

    120. Morgan Brown ‘23

    121. Rebecca Kuhlmann Taylor ‘98

    122. Nicole Toritto ‘93

    123. Vivian Ling ‘23

    124. James D. Ernest ‘81

    125. Kristen Murphy Stone ‘93

    126. Connie Kraftson McDowell ‘74

    127. Kurt Lightner ‘93

    128. Elisabeth K. Bowers ‘02

    129. Hannah Wartnik ‘16

    130. David Vanderveen ‘90

    131. Sienna Oates ‘23

    132. Heidi (Dunkerton) Tanacea Tso ‘93

    133. Breann Lindsey ‘18

    134. Ashley Richardson ‘09

    135. Ralph Stone ‘68

    136. Katie Robinson ‘17

    137. Amy Lovell Travis ‘02

    138. Gabbie Metheny ‘07

    139. James Evans ‘71

    140. Katie Robichaud ‘02

    141. Christopher Sherman ‘05

    142. Elise (HaeRan Kim) Cho ‘95

    143. John Heath ‘83

    144. Anne (Afifi) Heath ‘82

    145. Madelyn Johnston ‘14

    146. Sammy Mallow ‘16

    147. Claudi Kraftson Brice, ‘78

    148. Mary Flack ‘00

    149. Ben Saeli ‘97

    150. Zack Johnston ‘17

    151. Josepha Natzke ‘18

    152. Lilli Ferry Ellis ‘19

    153. Eric Harter ‘98

    154. Morgan Rawlinson Joyner ‘18

    155. Bob Duncan ‘74

    156. Kristin Loeks Jackson ‘94

    157. Stacy Tomson Rispin ‘89

    158. Ruth Welles Wardschenk, '89

    159. Cherie Konyha Greene ‘86

    160. Steven Shannon ‘16

    161. Erik Nimlos ‘06

    162. Elizabeth Pipes Rooney ‘94 ‘02

    163. Lauren Heerschap (Powell) ‘01

    164. Sarah Ettinger ‘97

    165. Charles Sega ‘00

    166. Sarah Holcomb ‘19

    167. Daniel Gunderson ‘91

    168. Amanda Walling ‘17

    169. Ian Walling ‘14

    170. Elizabeth Brooke Phipps ‘14

    171. Karen Cruz ‘23

    172. Heather Pirsein Roberts ‘93

    173. Stephen Roberts ‘93

    174. John Schoff ‘77

    175. Mitchell McElroy ‘17

    176. Sally Carns Gulde ‘95

    177. Lia J. Smith ‘13

    178. Matthew Agee ‘13

    179. Willie McHie ‘13

    180. Ben Kinsinger ‘13

    181. Tim Stuart ‘91

    182. Shirley Morrison Holberg ‘68

    183. William B. Holberg ‘68

    184. Jonathan Agee ‘06

    185. Tom Hunt Brooks ‘86

    186. Jennifer C. Liu ‘95

    187. Ervin Snyder ‘63

    188. G. Walter Hansen ‘68

    189. Wanda Webber Snyder ‘65

    190. Shelby Smith ‘13

    191. Erin (Mulholland) Martens ‘13

    192. Allison Daze ‘12

    193. Annika Turner ‘11

    194. Rachel Nicole Gowland ‘17

    195. Erica Nellessen ‘12

    196. Sonhui Park Steeds ‘95

    197. Linda M. Kirk ‘67

    198. Frank Scoffield Sánchez ‘15

    199. Anne (Berry) Tipton ‘90

    200. Aaron Woodard ‘10

    201. Andrea Agee Woodard ‘10

    202. Sarah Agee Johnson ‘08

    203. Alyssa Barringer ‘09

    204. Daniel Agee ‘81

    205. Thomas Getman ‘63

    206. Blade Barringer ‘10

    207. Catharine Gill ‘68

    208. Jim Gill ‘66

    209. Tessa Highmark ‘14

    210. Caitlyn Ference-Saunders ‘10

    211. Lauren Cruz ‘13

    212. Luke Van de Krol ‘13

    213. Kevin McLenithan ‘05

    214. Steve Slagg ‘09

    215. Nancy Andrews ‘66

    216. Audrey Roberts Luhmann ‘06

    217. Jonathan Miner ‘05

    218. Emily Erickson ‘18

    219. Elizabeth Bergstrom ‘03

    220. Adelle Rodkey ‘08

    221. Rachel Alsdorf Thompson ‘08

    222. Barbara Timyan Borgman ‘64

    223. John David Borgman ‘64

    224. Donald E. Stuart ‘67

    225. R.R. Hodson ‘71

    226. Brenda Bui ‘96

    227. Andrew Kinzer ‘11

    228. Madeline van Dolah ‘13

    229. Hannah Marie Roop ‘15

    230. Joshua Price ‘23

    231. Jenna Mullins ‘18

    232. Pam Kruse Devitt ‘86

    233. Sarah Godschalk Kruse ‘52

    234. Kayla (Lindstedt) Sukup ‘13

    235. Corinne Anderson Houpt ‘65

    236. Adam Sawyer ‘12

    237. Richard Shields ‘75

    238. Peter Carlson ‘83

    239. Kevin Warr ‘87

    240. Linda Jorgensen Sawyer ‘64

    241. Emily (Sargent) Becker ‘16

    242. William Hausman ‘63

    243. Rosalyn Schmidt Hausman ‘63

    244. Randall “Randy” Tremba ‘69

    245. Gretchen (Rowenhorst) Paladino ‘13

    246. David Li ‘13

    247. Barbara Phillips Hunsicker ‘09

    248. Katie (Dunn-Rankin) Hong ‘18

    249. Naomi Jane (Janie) Morissette ‘72

    250. Jennifer A.G. Layte ‘94

    251. Luke Raad ‘11

    252. Laura (Fittz) Parks ‘13

    253. Erin (Pyne) Warlow ‘13

    254. Benjamin Hopkins ‘06

    255. James Fittz ‘65

    256. Faith Garringer ‘23

    257. Elizabeth Bretscher ‘18

    258. Jacqueline Armstrong Turner ‘64

    259. Whitney Evans Harrison ‘11

    260. Laura Sonderman ‘16

    261. Joel C. Timyan ‘81

    262. Jin H. Cho ‘91

    263. Sheila Storrer ‘86

    264. Keri Duggan ‘13

    265. Angela (Moore) Emmett ‘92

    266. Erin Olson ‘09

    267. Linley Sullivan Krahel ‘13

    268. Samantha Shiell (Hinkle) ‘12

    269. James R. Sawyer ‘76

    270. Elena Aronson ‘93

    271. Mary Juzwik ‘93

    272. Rachel Nerger ‘13

    273. Susan Hudson ‘85

    274. Sarah Frederick ‘13

    275. Elizabeth Hancock Dekker ‘17

    276. Marty Dekker ‘16

    277. Cristina Guevara ‘19 ‘21

    278. Elise Bounds ‘24

    279. Stephen Aram ‘72

    280. Melissa Nicholson ‘17

    281. Julian Jackson ‘92

    282. Carl Sveen ‘13

    283. Donovan Gleeson ‘21

    284. Jared Highlen ‘13

    285. Claire Berthgold Moore ‘17

    286. Ernie Turner ‘64

    287. Linnea Peckham Geno ‘13

    288. Megan Bergthold Krause ‘19

    289. Abbey Lange Yoder ‘12

    290. Bilhenry Walker ‘63

    291. Teddi Beschel ‘17

    292. Jolynn Ritchie ‘08

    293. Merritt Maduke ‘89

    294. Emily Trowbridge Brown ‘17

    295. Daniel Saunders ‘11

    296. Jenny Sheffer Stevens ‘94

    297. Bornell Nicholson ‘15

    298. Jill Burlingame Tsekouras ‘02

    299. Yihong (Cindy) Hu ‘19

    300. Mark Poulterer ‘92

    301. Rev. Heather Ghormley ‘03

    302. Ahna K. Phillips ‘97

    303. Melissa Gilbert ‘06

    304. Kara (Cowan) Leyerle ‘14

    305. Dr. Devlin McGuire ‘13

    306. Tegan Searle (Strickland) ‘06

    307. Semay Johnston ‘06

    308. Melody Stanford Martin (Hunt), MDiv, ‘07

    309. Lydia Gantz ‘14

    310. Priscilla Chinn ‘22

    311. Kathryn (Bradford) Heidelberger ‘13

    312. Michelle Hodge ‘24

    313. Samantha Schwartz ‘06

    314. Ginny Hargrave Bracht ‘05

    315. Lori Radder ‘13

    316. Douglas Thomson ‘69

    317. Josiah Daniels Herrera ‘15

    318. Dan Tyson ‘99

    319. Jessica Binger Bejnar  ‘07

    320. Lydia Buchanan ‘13

    321. Kevin Seaman ‘17

    322. Christine Marcotte ‘06

    323. Michael Sawyer ‘16 ‘19

    324. Meaghan Falkanger ‘08

    325. Nate Mulder ‘15

    326. Isaac Niblack ‘13

    327. Laura Eppler Nordell ‘06

    328. Stephen Joel Watts ‘18

    329. Laura Niblack ‘13

    330. Jordan Heres ‘15

    331. Anna Ploegman ‘16

    332. Bethann Tyson ‘71

    333. Joy Messer (Wolf) ‘06

    334. Karen Cassiday ‘82

    335. Norman (Mac) McCausland ‘75

    336. Rev. Jeffrey Mikels ‘97

    337. Tim Miller ‘15 ‘18

    338. Fiona Balfe ‘24

    339. Kasey Miller ‘16 ‘18

    340. C. Stephen Evans ‘69

    341. David Thor Nitchman ‘17

    342. Morgan Sorenson ‘13

    343. Rachel Bell Evans ‘96

    344. Max Heidelberger ‘13

    345. Sam Darrigrand ‘96

    346. Elizabeth Green ‘03

    347. Laura Pax ‘18

    348. Lucas Goodman ‘18

    349. Madeline Johnson ‘20

    350. Kalena Wong ‘18

    351. Audra (Brady) Nelessen ‘12

    352. Joseph Hur ‘19

    353. Sydney Clark ‘12

    354. Cole Serfass ‘22

    355. Caleb Conner ‘20

    356. Kedrick Armstrong ‘16

    357. Rachel Streacker ‘16

    358. Emil Ginter ‘20

    359. Samid Penn ‘19

    360. Kayley Goertzen ‘19

    361. Malaika Penn ‘19

    362. Moriah Stuart ‘19

    363. Stephen Moss ‘99

    364. Jonathan Seefeldt ‘06

    365. Cadence Hubing ‘24

    366. Whitney Vandenheuvel ‘19

    367. Ben Duininck ‘99

    368. Emily Paddon ‘18

    369. Emily Smith ‘20

    370. Laura Hubing ‘23

    371. Claudia Lopez Heinrich ‘97

    372. Grace Milligan Admiraal ‘20

    373. Joshua Savidge ‘17

    374. Abby Grace McGee ‘19

    375. Michael Herr ‘19

    376. Michelle Navarrete M.A. ‘23

    377. Chris Herning ‘92

    378. Kathryn Mesa ‘21

    379. Andrew Lauber ‘21

    380. Hayes Snodgrass ‘19

    381. Alexis (McIlrath) Reay ‘19

    382. Maddison Fritz ‘17

    383. Cole Fritz ‘17

    384. Abby Grace McGee ‘19

    385. Bethany Faulds ‘20

    386. Bethany (Murphy) Thornton ‘06

    387. Betsy Dowling ‘20

    388. Sofia Flores ‘24

    389. Lee Ketch ‘11

    390. Cheryl  Seefeldt ‘01

    391. Natalie Hung ‘21

    392. Yeju Kim ‘21

    393. Joshua (JongJin) Lee ‘21

    394. Danae Witte ‘19

    395. Grant Burns ‘06

    396. Milton Gaither ‘93

    397. Erik Park ‘20

    398. Amy Rice ‘21

    399. Caroline Willett ‘20

    400. Roxie Jones ‘13

    401. James Cox ‘93

    402. Paul Tokar ‘14

    403. Kyra Cline ‘19

    404. Erik Nordgren ‘84

    405. Judson Bergman ‘17

    406. Meredith Bazzoli ‘11

    407. Hannah Appleyard ‘19

    408. Suzanne DeVries Luchs ‘81

    409. Addison Coen ‘18

    410. Sally (Stelsel) Ciorba ‘09

    411. David Higgins ‘19

    412. Hannah Johnson ‘21

    413. Elizabeth Boeringa ‘19

    414. Grace Hong ‘15

    415. Ashley Fryer ‘20

    416. Stephanie (Bagley) She ‘19

    417. Lucas Anholzer ‘18

    418. Theodore Larsen ‘20

    419. Erin Alderman ‘09

    420. Olivia Judge ‘21

    421. Hannah Johnson ‘21 

    422. Anne Fisher ‘96

    423. Daniel Ju ‘22

    424. Kristin Gustafson ‘89

    425. Courtney (Wentling) Behrens ‘09

    426. Sophie Clarke Kipps ‘19

    427. Natalie Carter ‘18

    428. Rachel (Dorr) Maynard ‘05

    429. Nathan Schaller ‘19

    430. Calle Hairston ‘24

    431. Rebekah (Oakley) Neuberger ‘20

    432. Chris Fritz ‘91

    433. Josh Neuberger ‘20

    434. Heidi Birkey Elliott ‘83

    435. Angèle Bubna ‘19

    436. Bonita (Bonnie) Smith  (Beadenkopf) ‘96

    437. Remer Brinson ‘11

    438. Elise Anderson ‘20

    439. Hannah Grove ‘16

    440. Margaret Krzywicki (Bungard) ‘19

    441. Sara Hahne ‘17

    442. Lars Skoglund ‘10 ‘14

    443. Maddy Diblr ‘18

    444. Tom Wilson ‘13

    445. Maja Skoglund Carpenter ‘02

    446. Christy Page ‘06

    447. Caleb Oakley ‘22

    448. Kathlin Gabaldon (Goodrich) ‘05

    449. Stephen Carver ‘06

    450. Seungju Kim ‘24

    451. Maggie Akinleye ‘21

    452. Elizabeth (Jennings) Caldwell ‘06

    453. Joseph Choe ‘19

    454. Emi Kanda ‘20

    455. Jason Harrod ‘94

    456. Andres Villatoro ‘11

    457. Sarah Dominguez Tompkins ‘96

    458. Annie Huddleston McGuinness ‘16

    459. Anna Horton ‘19

    460. Jonathan Chen ‘19

    461. Nia Buker-Nodal ‘20

    462. Veronica Flores ‘19

    463. Esther Han ‘19

    464. Madison Miller ‘18

    465. Rebekah Carlson ‘03

    466. Bethany Brewer ‘17

    467. David Heidlauf ‘82

    468. Laura Mund ‘23

    469. Meredith Patterson (née Malony) ‘09

    470. Lauren Boughner ‘17

    471. David Huther ‘09

    472. Daniel Ismael Aguilar ‘13

    473. Caroline Lauber ‘19

    474. Jerrod Schrock ‘13

    475. Austin Merck ‘19

    476. Christian Kim ‘20

    477. Jeremy Scruggs ‘07

    478. Catherine Baker ‘11

    479. Julian Yoder ‘16

    480. Julia Louise Morrow ‘24

    481. Zach Savella Stallard ‘13

    482. Anthea Enbah Bradley ‘20

    483. Frederick Bazzoli ‘02

    484. David Wheatley ‘12

    485. Carolyn Waldee ‘18

    486. Riley Parsons ‘18

    487. Yaochong Huang ‘20

    488. Sarah Disher (Herning) ‘19

    489. Yea Jin Chang ‘20

    490. Emily (Miller) O’Connor ‘18

    491. Sharon Tsui ‘04

    492. Jennifer Moe ‘09

    493. Nicholas Beattie ‘21

    494. Seth Chun ‘21

    495. Grace Waldee ‘23

    496. Dr. Stacy Gerberich ‘18

    497. Jessica Lue-Lai, MD ‘06

    498. James O’Connor ‘13

    499. Kari Swanson 

    500. Katie (Rogers) Wulbecker ‘18

    501. Seth Jogan ‘23

    502. Jacob Zeller ‘17

    503. Rebecca Miller Carlson ‘94

    504. Lisa (Swanson) Madera ‘87

    505. Jonathan T Young  ‘16

    506. Jodi Duininck Swanson ‘87

    507. Jeni Eklund ‘18

    508. Brian Miller ‘91

    509. Charissa Fort ‘18

    510. Christy (Miller) Estoll ‘98

    511. Benjamin Bratton ‘06

    512. Daniel MacLachlan MD ‘17

    513. Stefanii Morton ‘99

    514. Anne Dunlap ‘19

    515. Judi Chaffee (Culbertson) ‘62

    516. Barbara Lund ‘75

    517. Isabelle Perkins Suiste ‘20

    518. Maryam Bighash ‘18

    519. Sarah (Stinson) Bratton ‘06 ‘07

    520. Rachel Winn ‘97

    521. Caroline Harbour ‘18

    522. Bethany Briggs ‘10

    523. Julia DiBiase ‘10

    524. Sarah Tsai Chao ‘06

    525. Aly Waniel ‘21

    526. Evans Grace Anderson ‘14

    527. Mark Anderson ‘14

    528. Randy Welch ‘71

    529. Matthew Carlson ‘03

    530. Nathan Kwon ‘19

    531. Michelle Moldova ‘15

    532. Caleb Ko ‘22

    533. Chase Lucas ‘24

    534. Heather Felker ‘07

    535. Aaron Hemphill ‘99

    536. Ronald Jones ‘73

    537. Kellen Warner ‘12

    538. Linda (Carlblom) Khan ‘06

    539. Benjamin Jani ‘20

    540. Sarah Ostertag ‘17

    541. Christian Cameron ‘21

    542. Jillian Lee Wiggins, PhD ‘06

    543. Elliot Jones ‘69

    544. Jacob Hosier ‘21

    545. Anna Herning ‘21

    546. Rachel Sedlacek ‘19

    547. Dr. Christopher Miller ‘15

    548. Jake Steggerda ‘17

    549. Avyi Hill ‘23

    550. Timothy Sedlacek ‘17

    551. Jeffrey Ferreira ‘16

    552. Catherine McNiel ‘99

    553. Whitney Hedlund ‘18

    554. Grace Walter ‘15

    555. Jake Croft ‘20

    556. Travis Shanahan ‘16

    557. Caitlyn Chelsen ‘20

    558. Cheryl Green ‘98

    559. Sophie Barrett ‘20

    560. Lauren Blackbird (Ober) ‘19

    561. Ethan Emerson ‘23

    562. Isaya Otsuka ‘20

    563. Annalise (Chelsen) Emerson ‘23

    564. Rachel Lowe ‘94

    565. Taylor Kirby-Meyer ‘20

    566. Nancy Van Maren ‘22

    567. Martha Moore ‘72

    568. Linda M Kirk ‘67

    569. Jaime Kim ‘24

    570. Whitney Lane Wiley ‘15

    571. David Barbalas ‘17

    572. Jessica (Chen) Moy ‘08

    573. Ronald L. Bobo, Sr. ‘22

    574. Danae Kovac ‘06

    575. Daniel Sedlacek ‘20

    576. Benjamin Holmes ‘09

    577. Anna Powell ‘08

    578. Gretchen Klotz ‘63

    579. Jerry Heslinga ‘69

    580. Luke Schleicher ‘12

    581. Benjamin E. Wolfe ‘00

    582. Elizabeth Giles ‘24

    583. Daniel Tawfik ‘07

    584. Stephen DeVries ‘87

    585. Jennifer (Chipello) Santiagos ‘00

    586. Rev. Dr. Jeremy Heuslein ‘11

    587. Jamie Belsterling ‘16

    588. Abigail Long ‘13

    589. Hannah (Walters) Ramsey ‘09

    590. Jean Oulund Peteet ‘69

    591. Kristian Otten ‘12

    592. Stephen Marty ‘92

    593. Lora Boll ‘20

    594. Claire Smeltzer ‘19

    595. Karen Rice-David ‘10

    596. Natalie Nichols ‘23

    597. Talya Bultema ‘19

    598. Allison Chang ‘21

    599. Barbara Borgman ‘64

    600. Anna Drexelius ‘09

    601. Sarah (Han) Snow ‘16

    602. Betsy Welander ‘11

    603. Sara Vergara Freer ‘06

    604. Roger Marum ‘67

    605. Abigail Bowman ‘17

    606. Linda Degiovanni Baker ‘83

    607. Carolyn (Lilly) Wilson ‘91

    608. Rachel Boll ‘23

    609. Sarah Rundquist ‘15

    610. Philip Kwong ‘20

    611. Walt Wolfram ‘63

    612. Esther (Tan) Gaska ‘12

    613. Carol Fox Thorne ‘68

    614. Rebecca Newbrander ‘14

    615. Rev. Christopher Small ‘11

    616. Christina (Hegdahl) Richardson ‘11

    617. Rev. Laura Mott Tarro ‘97

    618. Sarah Aronson (Dolejs) ‘12

    619. Tommy Hekma ‘16

    620. Megan (Hamilton) Hays ‘08

    621. Sheldon Till-Campbell ‘15

    622. Grant Deakins ‘20

    623. Jason Smith ‘12

    624. Sarah Wilcox ‘08

    625. Octavia Powell ‘20

    626. Colton Bernasol ‘20

    627. Elise Ewert ‘09

    628. MacKenzie (Ward) Marshall ‘17

    629. Dan Parker ‘09

    630. Diana Schmuck ‘77

    631. Gretchen (Gaither) Abernathy ‘04

    632. William Lawhead ‘66

    633. Rod Langdon ‘68

    634. Linda Langdon ‘70

    635. Liz George ‘20

    636. Isabella Girthofer ‘22

    637. Jessica Beighle ‘21

    638. Logan Henneke  ‘17

    639. Daniel Galenkamp ‘94

    640. Natalie Maust ‘09

    641. Elyse Molewyk ‘23

    642. Mary Wolf ‘73

    643. Anna (Ganser) Cameron ‘21

    644. Kristen Gillette ‘10

    645. Hannah Bergman ‘11

    646. Allyson Stapleton Bergman ‘20

    647. Kelly Hayden ‘20

    648. Mattea Gernentz ‘20

    649. Sandra Quiñónez ‘14

    650. Elizabeth Rabideau (Pax) ‘14

    651. Delaney Young ’20

    652. Hannah Sedlacek ‘16

    653. Caroline Park ‘23

    654. Davis DeHaven ‘20

    655. Katharine Richert ‘96

    656. Rachel Beveridge ‘11

    657. Kenneth Waineo ‘97

    658. Priscilla Kang ‘19

    659. Lonzie Helms ‘21

    660. Brooke Dreyer ‘06

    661. Kara Koester ‘85

    662. Krista Kellner Gardziella ‘13

    663. Sarah Yoon ‘20

    664. Anneka Weicht ‘23

    665. Kathryn Petersen ‘82

    666. Elizabeth Weicht ‘88

    667. Cole Dennis ‘19

    668. Andrea Sorensen Hamler ‘04

    669. Peter Gnade ‘21

    670. Cecily Liversidge Martino ‘87

    671. Sarah Davis ‘16

    672. Jeff Carlson ‘19

    673. Stephen Stapleton ‘23

    674. Claire Dixon ‘13

    675. Elizabeth Edge Spradlin ‘81

    676. Marielle Grabow (Merry) ‘14

    677. Heidi Strate ‘07

    678. Aimee Finegan ‘12

    679. Kelly Wilson ‘16

    680. Abigail Latip ‘18

    681. Alison Chang ‘15

    682. Rev. James Peter Swarr ‘02

    683. Natalie Drevets ‘16

    684. Daniel Lauer ‘85

    685. Samantha Wolf ‘21

    686. Lee Hollman Psy.D ‘23

    687. Alex Dooley ‘15

    688. Amanda Holm Rosengren ‘04

    689. Sam Virolainen ‘20

    690. Cara Didier ‘21

    691. Sandy Alcorn ‘62

    692. Josiah Mulitauopele ‘21

    693. Rev. Alexa Dava ‘17

    694. Hannah Mullins ‘24

    695. Eloise (Nicholas) May ‘68

    696. Elaine (Nicholas) Jacobsen ‘64

    697. Richard Jacobsen ‘61

    698. Karen Wright Marsh ‘83

    699. Elise Taylor ‘20

    700. Margaret Franke ‘20

    701. Kaylah McAnally ‘20

    702. Chloe Derrenbacker ‘16

    703. Dr. Zeke Baker ‘09

    704. Britt Sondreal-McLaughlin ‘01

    705. Valery DeLong ‘82

    706. J. Daniel Thomas ‘20

    707. Cayla Weaver ‘23

    708. Jennifer Grant ‘89

    709. Emily Keefer ‘24

    710. Tito Rapley ‘21 ‘23

    711. Katerina (Friesen) Gea ‘09

    712. Christian Calawa ‘19

    713. Ken Petersen ‘75

    714. Austin Odling ‘18

    715. Emily George DeLew ‘08

    716. Evan Giesecke ‘18

    717. Dee Pierce M.A. ‘17

    718. Page Hayley ‘16

    719. Teagan Harris ‘21

    720. Karen Emerson Thomson ‘69

    721. June Emerson Thomson ‘64

    722. Carol Sanford Shuitt Emerson ‘64

    723. Eileen Armes ‘15

    724. Gillian Klunke ‘23

    725. Naphtali Fields-Forbes ‘10

    726. Evan Clark ‘17

    727. Emily Fabrizius (Kertzman) ‘12

    728. Liz Charlotte Grant ‘09

    729. Laura Riddle Sartell ‘05

    730. Anne Marie Salazar ‘12

    731. Michael Stauffer ‘70

    732. Kari Amick ‘10

    733. Deborah Little Miller ‘87

    734. Sarah Malpass ‘06

    735. Karen Bergman ‘12

    736. Marie Elisabeth Brice ‘09

    737. Bill Kabasenche ‘95

    738. Makenzie Magnus Yeary ‘12

    739. Rev. Eric Peltz ‘08

    740. Claire Lee ‘20

    741. McKenzie Blank ‘21

    742. Cat Van Slyke ‘19

    743. Mary Westergren M.A. ‘13

    744. Kirsten (Westergren) Cook ‘12

    745. John Tyson ‘69

    746. Linda Moore Tyson ‘70

    747. Grace Carlson ‘20 ‘24

    748. Jennifer Miller ‘99

    749. Kira Hopkins ‘01

    750. Paul Engle ‘67

    751. Estefanía Hernández ‘21

    752. Elena Aronson ‘13

    753. Alyssa Lanier ‘19

    754. Sonja Ommundsen (Davenport) ‘12

    755. Beth Harriman ‘82

    756. Jennifer Lien ‘12

    757. Jordan Wyatt ‘20

    758. Katie Prudek Lin ‘09

    759. Kara Wadenstierna ‘12

    760. Immanuel Kyun ‘21

    761. Aaron Rapp ‘15

    762. Emma Baker ‘17

    763. Randy Petersen ‘78

    764. Andrea Johnson ‘03

    765. Linda White Stormes ‘76

    766. Maggie Kamphausen ‘22

    767. Zach Davis ‘19

    768. Jozua van Bakel ‘19 ‘20

    769. Jim Cooper ‘97

    770. Dean F Miller ‘58

    771. Piper Curda ‘19

    772. Luke Overstreet ‘15

    773. Kevin Fulghum ‘91

    774. Aidan Naylor ‘20

    775. Alice Isoz Chrismer ‘70

    776. Bob Chrismer ‘70

    777. Karen Beachy Hartfield, '85

    778. Noel Streacker ‘17

    779. Jennifer Roach ‘95

    780. Erica Elzey Dettman ‘17

    781. Kimberly Cooper ‘96

    782. Patrick Roach ‘95

    783. Magdalene Bergevin ‘24

    784. Emma Wen ‘19

    785. Maris Hovee ‘14

    786. Robin Naylor ‘86

    787. Kate Johnson ‘08

    788. Ciara Stuhler ‘22

    789. Anna Porter ‘06

    790. Katie Bracy Limkeman ‘17

    791. Lily Bracy ‘21

    792. Madison Whitmer ‘21

    793. Mary DeVries Yager ‘89

    794. Ryan Juskus, '05 & '13

    795. Ashton B. Winslow, Psy.D ‘21

    796. Mary Muehleisen Hawthorne ‘80

    797. Hannah Veldt Sale ‘09

    798. Jesse Hayden ‘18

    799. Tamara Hoey ‘10

    800. Jennifer Murtoff '97

    801. Laura (Huff) Larsen ‘01

    802. Joanna Spradley Moffett ‘80

    803. Brian Connelly ‘19

    804. Kendra Langdon Juskus ‘05

    805. John Limkeman ‘17

    806. Bryn Clark ‘11

    807. Elizabeth Schuurman ‘18

    808. Christian SoL Simpson ‘18

    809. Hannah (Garringer) Miro ‘18

    810. Kate Penkethman ‘17

    811. Abby Hurley ‘12

    812. Norman Wetterau ‘63

    813. Linnea Wittick Roy ‘97

    814. Avery LaPan ‘15

    815. Johanna Depenthal, PhD ‘16

    816. Katie Hodson ‘20

    817. Mindy Miller Van Wart ‘04

    818. Leandra Price ‘18

    819. Justin Van Wart ‘05

    820. Jeremy Chignell ‘99

    821. Pamela (Shade) Schwartz ‘87

    822. Ariel Esposito-Bernard ‘05

    823. Christopher Esposito-Bernard ‘05

    824. Nathan Schweitzer ‘15

    825. Isaac Smoak ‘14

    826. Marilyn Spradley ‘65

    827. Janna Chong ‘24

    828. Hannah Koberstein ‘18

    829. Amanda Short ‘17

    830. Jason Meyer ‘22

    831. Andrew Chignell ‘96

    832. Yena Yu Gault ‘20

    833. Daniel Gault ‘19

    834. Daron Taylor ‘01

    835. Patti Walter ‘81

    836. Nathanael Schatz ‘19

    837. Marcus Craig ‘15

    838. Hannah (Fuster) Craig ‘16

    839. Julian Petoske ‘20

    840. Dr. Laura Robinson Harbert ‘81

    841. Emily Barney ‘05

    842. Sarah McNeill ‘21

    843. Noa Nakao ‘21

    844. Tory Leonard ‘15

    845. Harrison Smith ‘23

    846. Stephen Scheidell ‘12

    847. Kent Walker ‘66

    848. Hannah (Wolfe) Schweitzer ‘14

    849. Dr. Michelle Morlock  ‘15

    850. Benjamin Mendez ‘19

    851. Maggie (Thomas) Keller ‘09

    852. Hannah Westergren ‘17

    853. Holly Braun ‘08

    854. Kristin Brownsword ‘05

    855. Emily Okholm Ganzer  ‘05

    856. Bob Derrenbacker ‘87

    857. Erika (Kleinjan) Miao ‘04

    858. Judd Spencer ‘05

    859. Emily Westel ‘18

    860. Caitlyn (Fong) Matykiewicz ‘18

    861. Matthew Reed ‘97

    862. Calvin Graham ‘21

    863. Saranell Kracht Hartman ‘95

    864. Bonnie Brooks ‘75

    865. Violeta Grosu ‘97

    866. Ami Henson ‘94

    867. Noah Cameron ‘18

    868. Andy Kirk ‘16

    869. Elisabeth Hunter Otto ‘18

    870. Josiah MacFarlane ‘20

    871. Cynthia Cox ‘80

    872. Bethany VanAntwerp ‘21

    873. Grace Mccutcheon ‘08

    874. Megan Kim ‘21

    875. Daniel Hudson ‘17

    876. Stephen Larson ‘19

    877. Amanda Long ‘94

    878. Jennifer Sundheim ‘94

    879. Kirsten Grossenbach Miller ‘91

    880. Alison Stackhouse Taetzsch ‘20

    881. Kate Jetter Decker ‘03

    882. Carlton Higginbotham ‘67

    883. Dr. Karis Eun Cho ‘95

    884. Howard Heidlauf ‘57

    885. Valerie Heidlauf ‘56

    886. Bethany Erickson ‘05

    887. Nina Mantalaba ‘20

    888. Dale Belcher ‘78

    889. Mary Utz ‘23

    890. Kelly (Beardslee) White ‘19

    891. Dax Christofferson ‘01

    892. Abby Hall ‘12

    893. Trevecca Okholm ‘73 ‘93

    894. Dennis Okholm ‘73

    895. Susan Kaye Lyon ‘81

    896. Eric Himes ‘22 

    897. Yvonne Koyzis Hook ‘87

    898. Katherine Karl Anderson ‘06

    899. Melodie Yu ‘17

    900. Susan Breeding ‘94

    901. Young Kim ‘13

    902. Susan Best Lauer ‘84

    903. Jennifer (Carver)Yang ‘06

    904. Jonathon Miser ‘12

    905. Lois McCloskey ‘75

    906. Janine Givens-Belsley ‘01

    907. David Dischinger ‘20

    908. Justin Chu ‘20

    909. John Moore ‘89

    910. Tina Lundberg Miller ‘75

    911. Joshua Kielsmeier-Cook  ‘06

    912. Joel Duncan ‘05

    913. Emilie Nordhues ‘19

    914. Leah Michelsen ‘17

    915. Jessica Castro ‘19

    916. Alycia (Vander Vegt) van Rheenen ‘17

    917. Stephen Baker, MD ‘71

    918. Connor Jenkins ‘18

    919. Kathie Lasater ‘69

    920. Stephanie Gray ‘01

    921. Sara Lepori ‘06

    922. Rachel Morehouse ‘03

    923. John R. Clarke ‘70

    924. Dale Hanson Bourke ‘75

    925. Kent Lee ‘94

    926. Nancy Calvert-Koyzis ‘82

    927. Linda Lovell McCormick ‘70

    928. Chris Fall ‘93

    929. Mary Scott Smith ‘85

    930. Andrea Cate Crary ‘12

    931. Michael Coston ‘12

    932. Andrew Trump ‘16

    933. Phyllis Filkin Lorenz ‘70

    934. Rissah Watkins ‘00

    935. Jemma Alumbaugh ‘24

    936. Emily Yee ‘26

    937. Del Morissette ‘72

    938. Elisabeth Yan, MD ‘17

    939. Asher Trapp ‘17

    940. Bradley Housman ‘02

    941. Jillian Storm ‘01

    942. Sarah Visser (née Copeland) ‘97

    943. Esther Jhun ‘94

    944. Kathy Olson Carlson ‘70

    945. David C. Carlson ‘69

    946. S. Jin Park ‘94

    947. Tryphena (Fena) Tandriarto ‘18

    948. Edwin McCausland ‘67

    949. Payden Carter ‘18 ‘20

    950. Hana Longenecker ‘20

    951. James Van Drie ‘21

    952. Jamelyn Lederhouse ‘04

    953. Anna Strong ‘01

    954. Margaret (Larkin) Caldwell ‘15

    955. Alex Prus ‘18

    956. Rhonda Mohrmann Carlson ‘95

    957. Jacob Van Dyke ‘18

    958. Valerie Desrosier (née Tewell) ‘18

    959. Peter Desrosier ‘16

    960. Kathy Kvinge Christopher ‘81

    961. Ariana Kim ‘17

    962. Renata Dennis ‘81

    963. Katie Knox Ngoh ‘17

    964. Kenneth Davidson ‘87 ‘98

    965. Favor Ezewuzie-Lauber ‘20

    966. Min Jang ‘17

    967. Zach Ursiny ‘12

    968. Rebekah Axtell ‘20

    969. John Park ‘18

    970. Carla (Wellborn) Watts ‘12

    971. Lauren Lee ‘22

    972. Pedro Avalos Jiménez ‘24

    973. Yi Yan Heng ‘19

    974. Bethany Weidemann ‘15

    975. Ellen McDonell ‘17

    976. Benjamin J. Bertoni ‘22

    977. Lawrence Marum, MD, MPH, ‘69

    978. Gary Comstock ‘76

    979. Robin David Jones ‘82

    980. Karen Werner Comstock ‘76

    981. Peter Anderson ‘06

    982. Laura McKnight Barringer ‘99

    983. Adrian Anderson ‘89

    984. John Wooly ‘73

    985. Gordon Olson ‘22

    986. Maeji Brown ‘21

    987. Junia Howell ‘10

    988. Britta Wallbaum ‘05

    989. Rebecca Arias ‘22

    990. Alissa Ursiny ‘12

    991. Katia Burnham ‘21

    992. Anna Ruth (Elder) Albright ‘15

    993. Elizabeth Wells Traylor ‘92

    994. Austin Chu ‘18

    995. Scott Filkin ‘96

    996. Joshua Oyola ‘24

    997. Rachel Kramer Girgis ‘11

    998. Scarlett Tule ‘24

    999. Elena Spafford ‘18

    1000. Rebecca Russ McCordic ‘13

    1001. Kyle McCordic ‘14 ‘16

    1002. Keenan Dava ‘18

    1003. Mona Mahapatra ‘22

    1004. Stephen Kolb ‘85

    1005. Kyle Mabb ‘12

    1006. Robert Samuel Beattie ‘18

    1007. Charissa Johnson ‘23

    1008. Andrew Loiacono ‘23

    1009. Reid Comstock ‘11

    1010. Gabriel Park ‘23

    1011. Ann Szeliga ‘17

    1012. Jean Marie Trujillo ‘92

    1013. Kimberly Anderson, Psy.D. ‘14

    1014. David R Leigh M.A. ‘90

    1015. Mary Clancy-Shute ‘18

    1016. David Tillman ‘19

    1017. S. Jewell McGhee ‘05

    1018. Karen Halvorsen Schreck ‘84

    1019. Sharon Webber Scott ‘78

    1020. Elijah Owens ‘23

    1021. Kevin Gustafson ‘87

    1022. Christina (Beblavi) Hoberecht ‘08

    1023. Jorge Ibarra ‘20

    1024. Isaac Pruitt ‘23

    1025. Dawson Graham ‘22

    1026. Charis Fox ‘22

    1027. Hannah Smith ‘24

    1028. Kari Orth ‘21

    1029. Angel John ‘23

    1030. Audrey Kim ‘23

    1031. Ethan Schubert ‘22

    1032. Amelia (Miller) Schubert ‘23

    1033. Justin Massey ‘15

    1034. Beth Loudon ‘15

    1035. Laura Leonard Clemens ‘08

    1036. Kelly Fugate ‘01

    1037. Grace Dummitt ‘22

    1038. Alex Lewis ‘22

    1039. Micah Edelblut ‘15

    1040. Jean Philips ‘92

    1041. Amanda Jones ‘06

    1042. Jason Feffer ‘98

    1043. Jill Nyhus ‘95

    1044. Sarah Treder Acosta ‘95

    1045. Sarai Lopez ‘19

    1046. Lisa M. Detert ‘92

    1047. Patrick Tully ‘18

    1048. Andrew Hobden ‘92

    1049. John Woolmington ‘73

    1050. Lea (Gibson) Lozano ‘15

    1051. Weslie Wilkin Watt ‘23

    1052. Jonny Watt ‘23

    1053. Casey Foster ‘19

    1054. Leslie (Danielson) Olson ‘95

    1055. Jeannine Nyangira ‘95

    1056. Deborah Cunningham Pulis ‘11

    1057. Kari Dooyema Ballard ‘94

    1058. Erin Feffer ‘00

    1059. Ali Kaju ‘22

    1060. Kennedy Walpus ‘22

    1061. Jay Dick ‘73

    1062. James Frank ‘08

    1063. Christa (Wilson) Earl ‘04

    1064. Sarah DiPasquale Shannon ‘95

    1065. Emily Stackhouse Taetzsch ‘18

    1066. Adam Shields ‘95

    1067. Brittany Blue ‘16

    1068. Laura VanSickle-Deavours ‘92

    1069. Martha Schlamann Bunch ‘80

    1070. Jeremy Jasperse ‘20

    1071. Libby Quinn ‘20

    1072. Aaron Wood ‘98

    1073. Kevin Tully ‘20

    1074. Tully ‘20

    1075. Eric J. Rubio ‘11

    1076. Mary Kim ‘24

    1077. Melinda Sabol Pearson ‘92

    1078. Meghan Kwong ‘23

    1079. Ruby Winter Burgess ‘22

    1080. Michael Friedline ‘75

    1081. Jessica (Parsons) Edelblut ‘14

    1082. Susan Lyon Johnson ‘80

    1083. Eyerusalem Cheney ‘24

    1084. Willow Noltemeyer ‘23

    1085. Trevor Leach ‘18

    1086. Daniela Lugo-Heiner ‘17

    1087. Ozzie Johnson ‘11

    1088. Sophia Lichen ‘21

    1089. Penny Smith Mihály ‘65

    1090. Allie Lovell ‘22

    1091. Abby Coulter ‘23

    1092. Nohemí Pino ‘23

    1093. Josh Bisel ‘23

    1094. Elisabeth Bunch Cramer ‘06

    1095. David Dixon ‘85

    1096. Holly Kuyper ‘22

    1097. Jeffrey Peltz Jr. ‘19

    1098. Hildred Klungel ‘03

    1099. Jim Ertner ‘68

    1100. Abigail Lynch ‘22

    1101. Mary E “Betty” Smartt Carter ‘87

    1102. Kennedi (Toney) Willis ‘20

    1103. Cristina Czaia ‘10

    1104. Kendra Paez ‘22

    1105. Sarah Starasta ‘24

    1106. Barry Danylak ‘86 ‘04

    1107. Allison Dick ‘02

    1108. Zurishaddai Morales ‘24

    1109. Joanna Larson ‘23

    1110. Jacqui Felcan ‘19

    1111. Joseph Abdelmelek ‘17

    1112. David Woo ‘07

    1113. Carter Harms ‘16

    1114. Michael Davis ‘12

    1115. Karen Custis Wilson ‘76

    1116. Alan Philips ‘90

    1117. Ruth Petut ‘69

    1118. Sandy Seeland Alcorn ‘62

    1119. Thomas Hersey ‘19

    1120. Ruth Petty ‘69

    1121. Jonathan Steinmeier ‘01

    1122. Elias Schomer ‘17

    1123. Ivy (Sarah) Thompson ‘17

    1124. JB (John Brian) George ‘95

    1125. Nathan Brougher ‘09

    1126. Jayme Stine ‘11

    1127. Leslie Johnson Herr ‘74

    1128. Doug Schoen ‘69

    1129. Sarah Lam ‘21

    1130. Pamela Sanford Bickel ‘68

    1131. Weston Kinsinger ‘18

    1132. Jack Bickel ‘68

    1133. Sally Faries ‘99

    1134. Erik Reck ‘19

    1135. Karen Edwards ‘94

    1136. Lance Russ ‘13

    1137. Beth Paulsen Frillingos ‘00

    1138. Douglas Comstock ‘80

    1139. Jacob Walhout ‘18

    1140. Mark Gordon Fee ‘80

    1141. Sarah Carlson ‘18

    1142. Jill Garfield Sherman ‘71

    1143. Meredith Johnson Joss ‘68

    1144. Jane Ellen Carter ‘97

    1145. Joy Lee ‘22

    1146. Dan Braker ‘97

    1147. Jorah Griffin ‘21

    1148. Caroline Catanzarite ‘21

    1149. Jacqui Chatel Sharpe ‘06

    1150. Brandon Sharpe ‘06

    1151. Sarah Sagredo ‘12 ‘18

    1152. Caleb Sewell ‘20

    1153. Will Pearce ‘12

    1154. Christina Henson ‘21

    1155. R. Christopher Teichler ‘99

    1156. Benjamin Hueber ‘24

    1157. Will Sorensen ‘24

    1158. Joanna Parada ‘94

    1159. Laurie Braker ‘98

    1160. Susana Martinez ‘23 ‘24

    1161. Shabir Kamal ‘91

    1162. Amy Camp ‘95

    1163. Lynne Hinojosa ‘88

    1164. William W. Klein ‘67

    1165. Phyllis G. Klein ‘68

    1166. Jonathan Eastvold ‘99

    1167. Amy Rose Blanton ‘94

    1168. Karissa Croft ‘21

    1169. Sara Elliott ‘89

    1170. Hanna Thurber ‘91

    1171. Jennifer Fu ‘15

    1172. Justin McCoy ‘14

    1173. Emma Youchoff ‘24

    1174. Gloria Gulley ‘94

    1175. Erin Charles ‘00

    1176. Robert H. Joss, Ph.D. ‘67

    1177. Mark E. Ingebretsen ‘79

    1178. Sarah Klein ‘98

    1179. Lyndee Andrews Underdown ‘07

    1180. Peyton Finley ‘16

    1181. LuAnn Yocky ‘70

    1182. Mary Henton ‘76

    1183. Jenny Hudson ‘20

    1184. Mare Heyen ‘24

    1185. Cathleen Falsani ‘92

    1186. Caila (Paquin) May ‘16

    1187. Leigh Ann Ruggiero ‘05

    1188. Neil Carlson ‘90

    1189. Emily Yee ‘26

    1190. Faith Hollister ‘26

    1191. Julia Moon ‘26

    1192. Rickie Gray ‘26

    1193. Jennifer Banning White ‘97

    1194. Mandy Rodgers-Gates ‘99

    1195. Cullen Rodgers-Gates ‘00 ‘08

    1196. Timothy Starr ‘86

    1197. Efrain Avila, Jr. ‘98

    1198. Rachel Mariner ‘89

    1199. Stanley Curd ‘62

    1200. Lisa Blyth ‘98

    1201. Clyde D Taylor ‘59

    1202. Gloria Hogue Akin ‘67

    1203. Hannah Schaafsma ‘19

    1204. Mary Foxwell Loeks ‘68

    1205. Jack Mehoff ‘01

    1206. Andrew Heller ‘96

    1207. Heidi (Erickson) Quinn ‘92

    1208. Jackie Noden Inouye ‘00

    1209. Henry Cooley ‘10

    1210. Wendy McDowell Miller ‘90 ‘98

    1211. Greg Gerow ‘93

    1212. Mary Campbell ‘22

    1213. Wyatt Vandervelde ‘28

    1214. Jodi Ohman ‘25

    1215. Sean Connor ‘04

    1216. Mary Lewis Conner ‘80

    1217. Jim Watkins ‘04

    1218. Ruth (Slagg) Moore ‘98

    1219. Eric Owski ‘05

    1220. Laramie Aspegren ‘18

    1221. Megan Karlsson ‘09

    1222. Christy (Krumsieg) Vosburg ‘11

    1223. Jane Carpenter Sneeringer ‘70

    1224. Lindsay Cooley ‘10

    1225. Mary Anne (DeVries) Berry ‘67

    1226. Mark DeLew ‘08

    1227. Lindsay Rhey ‘07

    1228. Fred Smith ‘66

    1229. Debbie Kim ‘17

    1230. Andrea Raymond ‘01

    1231. Erica Breitbarth ‘09

    1232. Abbie Condie ‘15

    1233. Amanda Iglesias ‘14

    1234. Chandler  (Kandi) Barnes MD ‘73

    1235. Spencer Graf ‘17

    1236. Jessica Polson ‘19

    1237. Mike Lenzen ‘01

    1238. Drew P. Sacks ‘02

    1239. Esther Lam ‘24

    1240. Jenna Taylor (Woodcock) ‘09

    1241. Thomas Byrne ‘08

    1242. Rev. Dr. David Milam M.A. ‘81

    1243. Mark Hansford ‘15

    1244. Rachel Ford ‘10

    1245. Tracie Moxley ‘92

    1246. Ian Treat ‘15

    1247. Noah Loomis ‘28

    1248. Edward L. Schoen ‘71

    1249. Kristen (Bulgrien) Drumgoole ‘08

    1250. Richard Kraft ‘63

    1251. Kaitlyn Atkins ‘12

    1252. Elise Schleicher ‘21

    1253. Eliza Stiles M.A. ‘20

    1254. Cynthia Schwarz ‘78

    1255. Timothy David Craig ‘98

    1256. Lansing D. Tryon ‘97

    1257. Erin Payne ‘09

    1258. Jennalie Hemphill ‘27

    1259. Maryn Davis ‘26

    1260. George Levi McGhee II ‘28

    1261. Isabel Kelsh ‘26

    1262. Jay Hansen ‘67

    1263. Keara Caragher ‘25

    1264. Abigail (Scarlet) Smith ‘27

    1265. Fiona Kriner ‘27

    1266. C. Beth Hansen ‘71

    1267. CJ Montague ‘27

    1268. Dene Joubert ‘94

    1269. Celia Hollatz Bergman ‘87

    1270. Harrison Smith ‘26

    1271. Kristi Yu ‘26

    1272. Jessica Bunch ‘02

    1273. Cathy Gallaher ‘09

    1274. David Hickey ‘11

    1275. Peter Nesse ‘26

    1276. Thomas Kelsh ‘24

    1277. Adam Mikhail ‘27

    1278. Anna Ruth Merritt ‘06

    1279. Dave Reifsnyder ‘82

    1280. Sarah Lesniewski (née Taylor) ‘99

    1281. Freeman Tucker ‘18

    1282. Isabela Valdes ‘23

    1283. Andre-Ross Gennette ‘26

    1284. Jonathan Kim ‘22

    1285. Seth Ballard ‘22

    1286. Laura Vessey ‘26

    1287. Ted Lowry ‘80

    1288. Timothy Ritterbusch ‘28

    1289. Ben Dover ‘21

    1290. Angelena Khio ‘25

    1291. Dustin Lang ‘02

    1292. Lauren Anderson ‘19

    1293. Eunseo Kim ‘24

    1294. Nicole (Cowan) Webb ‘96

    1295. Sam Pecarina ‘27

    1296. Joanne Simon Hollatz ‘55

    1297. Karen Bastian ‘23

    1298. Ah-Young Chung ‘23

    1299. Mary Lee Platz ‘60

    1300. Dave Conner ‘80

    1301. Sofia Hadley ‘24

    1302. Annie Currey ‘23

    1303. Megan Flaming ‘24

    1304. Rhonda Sider Edgington ‘96

    1305. Rev. Bob Macauley ‘88

    1306. Katie Wilcox ‘24

    1307. Rebecca Caven ‘25

    1308. Sarah Jamieson ‘13

    1309. Mack Ibrahim ‘25

    1310. Tabitha Drake ‘26

    1311. Anne Barclay ‘95

    1312. Leila Parente ‘23

    1313. Bella McDonald ‘24

    1314. Paige O'Neal ‘97

    1315. Janelle Lau ‘06

    1316. Olivia Kiddy ‘27

    1317. Lillian Kamaleson ‘20

    1318. Cade Kamaleson ‘21

    1319. Nancy Hueber ‘83

    1320. Thomas Hueber ‘82

    1321. Joseph Thar ‘27

    1322. Ruth Goring ‘75

    1323. Deanna Witkowski ‘93

    1324. Lydia Wiesenauer ‘28

    1325. Allison Shelley ‘94

    1326. Kate Walsh ‘24

    1327. Zach Lee ‘23

    1328. Dana Conner Ritchie ‘86

    1329. Meagan Shuptar ‘06

    1330. Clay Anderson ‘95

    1331. James Patrick Miller ‘92

    1332. Cooper Starks ‘26

    1333. Elijah Allen ‘28

    1334. Julia Meyer Bell ‘85

    1335. Rachel Coyle ‘28

    1336. Pelumi Adejaiye ‘28

    1337. Dineo Motaung ‘26

    1338. Priscilla Lee ‘24

    1339. Charles Barker ‘76

    1340. Justin Johanson ‘11

    1341. Derrick Anderson ‘26

    1342. Kelly Farrow ‘00

    1343. Jerome Blanco ‘12

    1344. Maya Collins ‘27

    1345. Mark A. Ritchie ‘86

    1346. Todd Cross ‘06

    1347. Thembi Ward ‘28

    1348. Andy Boyer ‘98

    1349. Susan Carns Curtiss ‘92

    1350. Sam Gyorfi ‘06

    1351. Meredith "Mimi" Seversen ‘22

    1352. Molly Cox ‘86

    1353. Kristen Boring Cumings ‘94

    1354. Stephen Miles ‘93

    1355. Kirk Purdy ‘86

    1356. Grace O’Connell ‘20

    1357. Kurt M. Pazdra II ‘18

    1358. Liz Hubertz ‘86

    1359. Evan Olson ‘24

    1360. Kayla White ‘25

    1361. Jessica Moore ‘00

    1362. Jason Moore ‘00

    1363. Rev. Dr. Tassie Green ‘89

    1364. Barrett McRay ‘83 ‘86 ‘98

    1365. Sydney McRay ‘86 ‘98

    1366. Lydia Ritchie ‘23

    1367. Alison Miller ‘08

    1368. Josh Banner ‘97

    1369. Debra Walker Emery, PhD 1989

    1370. Sean Lilly Wilson ‘92

    1371. Daniela Chaves ‘17

    1372. Anastasia Lyon ‘21

    1373. Noah Chapman ‘25

    1374. Anna Grace Mixon ‘26

    1375. Samantha Ferreira ‘25

    1376. Matt Pritchard ‘97

    1377. Eric Hoskins ‘19

    1378. Ashley Larson ‘23

    1379. Susan (Gahres) Puckett ‘00

    1380. Joshua Puckett ’00

    1381. Claire McLeod ‘26

    1382. Claire (Johnson) Parr ‘05

    1383. Anna Porter Puckett ‘26

    1384. Jody (Gilbert) Pratt ‘00

    1385. Susan Lamb ‘18

    1386. Katie Papatheofanis ‘23

    1387. Julie Price ‘85

    1388. Rachel (Pritchard) Pelander ‘96

    1389. Janeen Scott ‘12

    1390. Joshua With ‘17

    1391. Thad Salter ‘95

    1392. Bradley Lauber ‘15

    1393. Carson Christopher Frear ‘26

    1394. Jennifer Good ‘85

    1395. Ellen Wertz Schuster ‘17

    1396. Justin Provencher ‘15

    1397. Kara Kessler ‘27

    1398. Mark Griffith ‘96

    1399. Lauren Chang ‘25

    1400. Charity Lurvey ‘25

    1401. Kevin Walters ‘00

    1402. Danae Brooks ‘18

    1403. Priscilla Blair Strapp ‘78

    1404. Ben Dons ‘08

    1405. Jennifer Catton ‘03

    1406. Elizabeth Atkins ‘10

    1407. Aslin Ester Tanco ‘24

    1408. Kale Cummings ‘93

    1409. Maggie Brown ‘13

    1410. Hannah Stumper (Ramler) ‘25

    1411. David Ramler ‘25

    1412. David Swartz ‘99

    1413. Ethan Hesse ‘23

    1414. Krista Capobianco ‘16

    1415. Benjamin Capobianco ‘16

    1416. Sammy Chaves ‘12

    1417. Abby Wells ‘25

    1418. John Sandeen ‘56

    1419. Mark Hollingsworth ‘77

    1420. Lena Keith (m. Stumper) ‘99

    1421. Jenna (Sveen) Gyorfi ‘08

    1422. Lauren Smith ‘20

    1423. Jim McDermott ‘58

    1424. Caleb Smith ‘26

    1425. Ted Lane, PhD ‘75

    1426. Alyssa L. Davis ‘05

    1427. Debbie MacPherson ‘92

    1428. Andrew Olson ‘92

    1429. Susan I. (Baker) Gray ‘76

    1430. Joshua 'Iosua Pilikaki' Pritchard ‘26

    1431. Anastasia McAteer (Stasi Smith) ‘97

    1432. Victoria (Holmen) Peterson ‘15

    1433. Phoebe Tanacea ‘27

    1434. Laura Madsen ‘06

    1435. Micaela Shive Bueno ‘21

    1436. Theodore G Ryan, PhD ‘65

    1437. Nathan Brown ‘09

    1438. Shilon (Kostelny) Bedford ‘74

    1439. Luke Burnham ‘21

    1440. Rachel Becker M.A. ‘24

    1441. Rachel Doubek ‘13

    1442. Ethan Amburgey ‘17

    1443. Robyn Tellefsen ‘99

    1444. Elinor Hiller ‘25

    1445. Blake Rittgers ‘25

    1446. Julie Goss Clawson ’00

    1447. Alex Leo ‘11

    1448. Sonia Kraftson ‘99

    1449. Karis White ‘28

    1450. Grace DeGroot VanderVliet ‘00

    1451. Emily Tuttle ‘10

    1452. Ellen Balmer Tuttle ‘80

    1453. Karen Bastian ‘23

    1454. Alexander Herd ‘00

    1455. Martin Cockcroft ‘98

    1456. Jacob Loer ‘27

    1457. Jonathan Mullins ‘20

    1458. Isaac Smith ‘20

    1459. Michael Mangis ‘84

    1460. Matthew Adams ‘17

    1461. Nate Gardziella ‘16

    1462. Sherry Kang ‘19

    1463. Taroh Alexandra (Saenz) Strong ‘95 ‘04

    1464. Rusty Hawkins ‘99

    1465. Isabel Orellana ‘25

    1466. Rev. Emilee Walker-Cornetta ‘07

    1467. Michael Mendez ‘23

    1468. Eliya Wolf ‘26

    1469. Amy Robison ‘20

    1470. Jackson Miller ‘27

    1471. Stephanie Davis Klute ‘98

    1472. Ryan Hamm ‘05

    1473. Ingrid Korsberg Gruett ‘95

    1474. Bradley Allgire ‘25

    1475. Timothy C. Geoffrion ‘79

    1476. Trudy (Sharp) Larsen ‘02

    1477. Connor J. Cook, MD ‘19

    1478. Thian Dim ‘25

    1479. Christina Carper ‘24

    1480. Brian Wells ‘91

    1481. Kaley (Olson) Riffey ‘17

    1482. Shawn Rodriguez ‘13

    1483. Beth (DenBleyker) Jusino ‘98

    1484. Mary Leigh Smith Morbey ‘69

    1485. Justin Rackley ‘00

    1486. Margy Smith ‘76

    1487. Abby Sanderson ‘27

    1488. Sara DeMaster Smith ‘98

    1489. Todd Erickson ‘90

    1490. Elizabeth Fansher ‘00

    1491. Grace Echols ‘25

    1492. Abby Schupbach ‘25

    1493. Richard Jacobson ‘13

    1494. Amy Vercler ‘00

    1495. Laura Engelbrecht ‘99

    1496. Jennifer (Gordon) Coleman ‘95

    1497. Alessandra Sanders ‘26

    1498. Debby Wells ‘91

    1499. Becky Nelson Hunter ‘96

    1500. Madelyn Hartrim-Lowe ‘24

    1501. Elesha (Hodge) Coffman ‘97

    1502. Ben Slabaugh ‘01

    1503. Michael Phelps ‘87

    1504. Mark Soderquist ‘88

    1505. John Kim ‘01

    1506. Andrew Reay ‘19

    1507. Maddy Nelson ‘25

    1508. Joy (Tanura) Winquist ‘04

    1509. Laura Poetzel ‘24

    1510. Allison Salyer ‘22

    1511. Janelle Diller ‘77

    1512. Krista (Schuh) Dokko ‘17

    1513. Josiah Hsu ‘23

    1514. BJ Strote ‘01

    1515. Elizabeth Whipple ‘03

    1516. Melissa Jenks ‘98

    1517. Ryn Manby ‘11

    1518. Julia Sanders ‘93

    1519. Emerson Slaughter ‘21

    1520. Philip Wilson ‘66

    1521. Suzanne Goering ‘87

    1522. Emily (Goldberg) Wynsma ‘10

    1523. Sharon Pavelda ‘68

    1524. Rome Williams ‘25

    1525. Paxton Robbins ‘27

    1526. Dave Winter ‘66

    1527. Emily Cooper ‘25

    1528. Rev. Daniel Buttry ‘74

    1529. Sharon Buttry ‘74

    1530. Jennifer Hess ‘96

    1531. David K. Erickson ‘86

    1532. Evan Robinson ‘27

    1533. Rev. Robert Carnes ‘99

    1534. Shana (Siewert) Espinosa ‘00

    1535. Bonnie Rilea ‘25

    1536. Andrea Vujan McCloskey ‘00

    1537. Sarah Jagrowski Kastilani ‘18

    1538. Kelly Bradley ‘17

    1539. Lori Petrie ‘22

    1540. Joshua Elrod ‘27

    1541. Pamela Rapelje-Trapp ‘87

    1542. Greg Trapp ‘87

    1543. Kathleen Hayden PsyD ‘13

    1544. Nathan Kelly ‘99

    1545. James S. McSparran ‘75

    1546. Jonathan Partridge ‘99

    1547. Kathy Marsh Baxter ‘94 ‘99

    1548. Christopher Turpen ‘86

    1549. April Brady ‘06

    1550. Ann E. Ramsey-Moor ‘70

    1551. Regina LaRusso ‘82

    1552. Rachel Neftzer Snavely ‘09

    1553. Will Enoch ‘93

    1554. Craig LaRusso ‘82 ‘86

    1555. Jessica D. Tryon ‘99

    1556. Carlton Paul Canaday-Elliott ‘91

    1557. Conni (Babin) Nevills ‘06

    1558. John Robert McRay, Jr. ‘85

    1559. David T. Gortner ‘88

    1560. Emily Loeks ‘96

    1561. David Burchi ‘91

    1562. Travis Koutsoubos ‘06

    1563. Sara Magee Smith ‘95

    1564. Lucian P. Smith ‘94

    1565. Ruth Hull Chatlien ‘80

    1566. Dawn Marie Galtieri ‘84

    1567. Andrew W. Mathis ‘23

    1568. Shannon Mickelson Campbell ‘09

    1569. Chase Campbell ‘11

    1570. Kirk Neuroth ‘97

    1571. Alanna Rebecca Foxwell ‘06

    1572. David W. Congdon ‘05

    1573. Liza McQuinn Joffrion ‘91

    1574. Amanda Bechtel ‘00

    1575. Jaime Ziegler ‘18

    1576. Kirk Walker ‘08

    1577. Richard B Lee ‘80

    1578. Dan Wilkinson ‘99

    1579. Cathe Hoerth ‘93

    1580. Kenneth S. Roth ‘92

    1581. Chad Klopfenstein ‘93

    1582. Jennifer Ruth Black ‘92

    1583. Kelly Cohen-Mazurowski ‘07

    1584. Avrey Hughes ‘05

    1585. John Hussey ‘06

    1586. Stephan D. Meyer ‘87

    1587. Robyn (Smith) Bailey ‘76

    1588. David Weidman ‘79

    1589. Luke Bruno ‘27

    1590. Beau J Genot (Goosie) ‘87

    1591. Cheryl Lindberg Baird ‘88

    1592. Ted Olsen ‘96

    1593. Melinda (McGuill) Forlenza ‘83

    1594. Jason Fugate ‘98 ‘01

    1595. Danielle Wilkinson Hensley ‘92

    1596. Erick Waldchen ‘99

    1597. Justin Maynard ‘98

    1598. Madeline Kim ‘23

    1599. Jadon Doriot ‘27

    1600. Graham R. Marsden ‘01

    1601. Jonathan Fugate ‘02

    1602. Rachael Watters ‘05

    1603. Lisa Selph (fmr. Bofinget, Blackwood) ‘79

    1604. Margaret Harper ‘09

    1605. Kristen Halverson ‘97

    1606. Rev. Henry T.C. Sun, PhD ‘81 ‘83

    1607. Julie Wiens Robbins ‘92

    1608. Steven M. Skinner ‘93

    1609. Isabelle Case ‘19

    1610. Stacy Na Aguilar ‘08

    1611. Katherine M. DeVries, MD ‘01

    1612. David R. Thiessen ‘62

    1613. Michael Piette ‘94

    1614. Jamey Fulton ‘97

    1615. Neta Thiessen Jackson ‘66

    1616. Judith Ann (Homer) Norman ‘92

    1617. Kimberly Feder Hitchcock ‘95 ‘02

    1618. Gretchen Day Fricke ‘90

    1619. Kim (VanAusdall) Boes ‘16

    1620. Jane Stoller-Schoff ‘82

    1621. David Bedford ‘73

    1622. Rachel Ostergaard ‘04

    1623. Madelyn N. Runcie ‘27

    1624. Linda Kelsey ‘80

    1625. Erin Stocks Rubin ‘01

    1626. Cynthia Bauer Ward ‘67

    1627. Julia Moffett ‘18

    1628. Julie Antilla ‘94

    1629. Lawrence H. Marum ‘69

    1630. Alexandra Kirchner ‘18

    1631. Mary Elizabeth (Corwin) Marum ‘70

    1632. Lois Thiessen Love ‘73

    1633. Christa Clumpner Cauley ‘92

    1634. Brian R. Thiessen Love ‘73

    1635. Lydia Lu ‘95

    1636. Kathleen Spaargaren ‘92

    1637. Sean A. Harrison ‘91

    1638. Stephanie K. Chan ‘95

    1639. Lindsay T. Steele ‘00

    1640. Elizabeth A. Schoofs ‘05

    1641. Melanie Johnson ‘04

    1642. Rev. Susan (Kitty Carper) Schmalzbauer ‘91

    1643. Alison Lydecker ‘02

    1644. Timothy Ferguson Sauder ‘95

    1645. Gatlin Marlow ‘15

    1646. Susan Siebert ‘75

    1647. Christine Wright ‘18

    1648. Jennifer Kaczmarek ‘93

    1649. Ava K. Schaafsma ‘27

    1650. Olivia R. Sanchez Moreno ‘26

    1651. Deborah Sherrick ‘75

    1652. Charity McConnell Scott ‘96

    1653. Heather Hollinger ‘19

    1654. Dr. Sharon Homer-Drummond ‘90

    1655. David A. McKinney ‘75

    1656. Kristin Geiger ‘00

    1657. Katherine Green ‘09

    1658. Stephen H. Sartell ‘75

    1659. Cynthia Pace ‘80

    1660. Owen Phoenix ‘19

    1661. Marmarie Kostelny ‘82

    1662. Melissa Monaco Phillips ‘94

    1663. Sarah L. Sanderson ‘00

    1664. Elisabeth Wismer ‘14

    1665. Theo Bennett ‘92

    1666. Katrina J. Wheeler M.A. ‘12

    1667. Jeffrey Green ‘99

    1668. Aimee Fritz ‘94

    1669. Kate McNamara Zwiefelhofer ‘96

    1670. Deborah Leighton ‘00

    1671. Libby Gerhart ‘27

    1672. Seth Luna ‘17

    1673. David Glandorf ‘96

    1674. Sharon Nelson ‘90

    1675. Meghan Ferguson Sauder ‘95

    1676. David Redfield ‘91

    1677. Juanita Redfield ‘93

    1678. Jonathan R. Spoelstra ‘94

    1679. Heather (Brown) Smith ‘90

    1680. Natasha Pyles Tompkins ‘96

    1681. Adrienne Lynch Maneno ‘96

    1682. Dawn Kotapish ‘92

    1683. Susan Baum Spoelstra ‘89 ‘92

    1684. Cheri G. Gieski ‘90

    1685. Douglas L. Zimmerman ‘95 ‘01

    1686. Anna J. Stevenson ‘20

    1687. Timothy Lindgren ‘96

    1688. Cecelia (Miles) Hubach ‘12

    1689. Dee Irwin Cawood ‘62

    1690. Harry E. Cawood ‘63

    1691. Gay Nell Wyland Pyles ‘65

    1692. Hannah Sanders ‘20

    1693. Frances Yasmeen Motiwalla ‘00

    1694. Elena Miles ‘15

    1695. Nathaniel Wright ‘17

    1696. Micah Barber ‘03

    1697. Erick Bodett ‘12

    1698. Heather Omdal ‘15

    1699. Daniel Inouye ‘00

    1700. Kurt W. Peterson ‘89

    1701. Daniel Shaffer ‘12

    1702. Barbara K. Olson ‘73

    1703. Paul Arthur Holmes ‘77

    1704. Tim Thulson ‘01

    1705. Karen A. Howe ‘81

    1706. Emma Schaafsma Schoenbeck ‘17

    1707. Stephen Henderson ‘79

    1708. JJ Lewis ‘97

    1709. Damon John DeLillo ‘99

    1710. Lorrie Larsen ‘80

    1711. Blake V. Kent ‘02

    1712. Marci Johnson ‘92

    1713. Eric L. Stedfeld ‘77

    1714. Sharon (Owen) Stedfeld ‘78

    1715. Deborah J. Johnson ‘90

    1716. Gregory Alan Taylor ‘75

    1717. Erica Henry ‘02

    1718. Pamela S. Proctor ‘74

    1719. Annalise Burnett ‘22

    1720. Beverly Hendricks Godby ‘73

    1721. Rebecca L. Norman ‘95

    1722. Dale Chandes Godby ‘73

    1723. Marlin Stewart Reed III ‘90

    1724. Franklin Pyles ‘68

    1725. Ruth Padilla DeBorst ‘87

    1726. Patrick J. O'Hara ‘04

    1727. James M. Seim, Jr. ‘68

    1728. Jeanne M. Hanchett, M.D. ‘56

    1729. Rachel Burdick ‘15

    1730. Caitlin Wald ‘02

    1731. Heidi Ostergaard Long ‘96

    1732. Will Gieser ‘69

    1733. Charles Gieser ‘69

    1734. Tabb Wilhite ‘25

    1735. Richard Stout ‘68

    1736. Matthew Gore ‘04

    1737. Donald G. Samuelson ‘76

    1738. Steven Thompson ‘75

    1739. Deborah Haisch ‘02

    1740. Kristin P. Mulhern ‘03

    1741. Alexis Beggs Olsen ‘96

    1742. Heather Woollett Rothert ‘95

    1743. Michelle Hartman Stroessner ‘98

    1744. Rev. Wesley Joseph ‘08

    1745. Patricia L. McCall ‘76

    1746. Mary Kleine Hawkins Yehling ‘75

    1747. Donna Laurie ‘78

    1748. Walt Wolgram ‘63

    1749. Barbara Schulert Huckabay ‘71

    1750. Sheryl Holland ‘66

    1751. Constance Vann ‘67

    1752. Mary Cade Mainwaring ‘90

    1753. Jerry VanSant ’61

    1754. Ken Steinken ‘76

    1755. Penny Watts-Steinken ‘76

    1756. Brian Felder ‘90

    1757. Lon Oury ‘69

    1758. Linda (Johnson) Oury ‘69

    1759. Ashley Leonard ‘87

    1760. Catherine C. Webb Watts ‘73

    1761. Ruth Ann O'Connell ‘77

    1762. Sharon Haburn Dilling ‘71

    1763. David Filkin ‘64

    1764. Nancy Ballbach Filkin ‘66

    1765. Jane Orth ‘68

    1766. Ryan C. Schultz ‘13

    1767. Virginia Logan Vagt ‘73

    1768. Annika Lee ‘21

    1769. Shawn David Dey ‘92

    1770. Karen Ebey-Tessendorf ‘83

    1771. Evan Nielsen ‘05 ‘10

    1772. Elaine O’Connell Watkins ‘72

    1773. Clark A. Lindgren ‘80

    1774. Lauren (Anderson) Riviere ‘08

    1775. Lucia B. Doyle Garcia ‘26

    1776. Russell J. Overby ‘70

    1777. Ethan D. Harris ‘14

    1778. Lindsay Danielson ‘21

    1779. Paul Duncan ‘98

    1780. Mary Nell Knight Long ‘55

    1781. Brian Waalen ‘13

    1782. David Lee ‘12

    1783. Ryan Sorenson ‘23

    1784. Tanya Stanislav ‘84

    1785. Kjerstin Lee Anderson Hoff ‘08

    1786. Ronald J. Webb ‘64

    1787. Bonnie Schroeder Rynberk ‘80

    1788. Graham Scharf ‘00

    1789. Margaret Beth Hazen ‘78

    1790. Andrew M. Beard ‘17

    1791. Melody David ‘13

    1792. Sarah (Weaver) Dahl ‘01

    1793. David W. Carlson ‘67

    1794. Rev. David Bawks ‘08

    1795. April Dennis Carlson ‘61

    1796. Sandra Richter ‘02

    1797. Heather Lewis Donnell ‘95

    1798. Heather (Fredericks) Ryder ‘13

    1799. Janet F. Johns ‘70

    1800. Alley Kammer ‘16 ‘19

    1801. Sondra Smith VanSant ‘62

    1802. Julie VanDeraa Gerhart ‘90

    1803. Dr. Cecilia Rose Collins ‘04

    1804. P. Galen DiDomizio ‘09

    1805. Elisabeth 'Lark' Brown Hendricks ‘93

    1806. Sarah Bucken ‘93

    1807. Hadleigh K. Callahan ‘22

    1808. Noël (Gorman) Veihmeyer ‘04

    1809. Elizabeth Ondoma ‘28

    1810. Shelley Hiller ‘92

    1811. Anh Vu Sawyer ‘79

    1812. Richard K. Wagner, MD ‘84

    1813. Deborah Wagner ‘84

    1814. Jeanine Diller ‘87

    1815. Steve McNeely ‘80

    1816. Rebekah Mangels ‘22

    1817. Arlene Joyce Carlson Christiansen ‘68

    1818. Elizabeth Philips ‘94

    1819. Marjorie Aldridge Van Gunten ‘68

    1820. Dale Alekel ‘80